2014年4月10日 星期四


但記得~莫急 莫慌 莫害怕~


為人父母雖然辛苦,但是在你滿足嬰兒的需求過程當中,你也同時得到嬰兒對你完全的愛及信任。隨著孩子一天天的長大,透過孩子的眼睛,你們將重新再認識發現這個世界。也只有你們 ─ 嬰兒的父母,可以提供他無條件的愛,安全的環境,良好的保健,滋養他的自信,教導他享受人生。

A letter to parents of newborns from a midwife--Mai-Li

—Don’t panic, don’t be afraid!
Congratulations on the safe arrival of your newest family member! Your newborn babies need nothing but three important demands and they will grow up happily and healthily as long as you fulfill their demands. Here are their three demands:
1. Feed your babies when they feel hungry.
2. Cuddle them when they need your warm chest.
3. Stay with them when they feel lonely or unsecured.
Your babies don’t wear a watch. You can’t ask them to eat with you, sleep with you or get up at the same time as you do. It is inevitable to be waken up by your newborn baby. Are you ready for that?
It is no way easy to be parents. However, when you meet their needs, you will gain their trust and love. Moreover, you will see this world with different point of view via your babies’ eyes. Remember that you are the only person who can give your babies unconditional love, safe environment, good health. You are the person who can help your babies develop self-confidence and teach them how to enjoy their life. Every baby was born unique and original.
They have different personalities. Some babies are very quiet without much attention. They can fall asleep straight away after drinking milk and play after waking up, but some of them need to be fed as long as they wake up. Moreover, they might twist their bodies while drinking and need someone to play with or cuddle them all the time. And some of them don’t sleep long and can be easily waken up. They are completely different, but all of them are “normal”
As parents, you might have a lot of plans or thoughts on nursing your babies before they are born. However, after they were born, I would like to suggest you to modify your plan based on your babies’ personality. Do not force your babies to accept specific lifestyles. Your relatives, friends or so-called “experts” would enthusiastically provide you with ways of nursing your babies, but there is no single” right” way to raise your babies. What you are supposed to do is to find out what lifestyle is best for your babies according to their different personality. Observing your babies and letting their personality guide you to create the best way to nursing them is the cornerstone of developing your babies’ self-confidence and good relationship with others.

