Best Empowerment Support Team. 自然生產 創造美好的生產經驗 提供"一對一"客製化及專業的助產照護 免責聲明 With Women助產師 不提供醫療諮詢。 請尋求妳的醫生做醫療指導。
2017年2月23日 星期四
Preparing For Your Labour - Q&A With Midwife Alison Brown - Mothercare
1. How will I know I'm labour?
2. When should I contact my midwife/hospital?
3. Who should be my birthing partner?
4. Do I need a birth plan?
5. What are the stages of labour?
6. What do contraction feel like?
7. How can I cope with contractions?
8. Can I eat and drink during labour?
9. Does someone check the baby after birth?
10. How long do I need to stay in hospital?
11. What was the policy with feeding after birth?
12. What happens when I get home?
13. What happens if my baby is breech or transverse lie?
14. What is the recovery time after a caesarean?
15. Will I need a caesarean again with my second child?
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