Best Empowerment Support Team. 自然生產 創造美好的生產經驗 提供"一對一"客製化及專業的助產照護 免責聲明 With Women助產師 不提供醫療諮詢。 請尋求妳的醫生做醫療指導。
2019年7月31日 星期三
2019年7月25日 星期四
2019年7月4日 星期四
Brian Goldman: Doctors make mistakes. Can we talk about that?
Doctors and Midwives Make Mistakes
By Jane Palmer
While the video doctors make mistakes is not aimed directly at midwives - it is certainly a video that is very relevant to all midwives. Mistakes are not something that midwives are immune to. Dr Brian Goldman talks about his personal experience with making mistakes in medicine and the silence of errors in medicine. Health professionals are human and therefore make mistakes. Mistakes are unfortunately inevitable. What often occurs following a midwifery or medical mistake is silence and a lack of support. It can be a very lonely journey for the health professional involved. Mistakes are generally are not talked about nor are mistakes shared with others. If we can share our mistakes in a supportive environment it can help us move forwards and may help others avoid our mistakes. This video 'doctors making mistakes' is well worth watching.
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